With Clean Cars Action, Youngkin Again Thinks He’s Above the Law

For Immediate Release:
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Media Contact:
Lee Francis | Deputy Director
Virginia League of Conservation Voters
434-989-3197 | lfrancis@valcv.org

2021 Statute Directs Virginia to Adopt and Update Strong Rules to Advance Pollution-Free Cars, Cut Tailpipe Pollution

RICHMOND — Today, Governor Glenn Youngkin announced his Administration would again move to side-step established Virginia law by not moving forward with the next phase of Advanced Clean Cars Standards, as mandated by statute passed in 2021 to bring cleaner vehicles to Virginia, expand consumer choice, protect public health, and address our state’s largest contributor to the climate crisis.

In response to this action, Michael Town, Executive Director of the Virginia League of Conservation Voters, issued the following statement:

“Taking away one of our best tools to protect Virginians from power plant pollution wasn’t enough. Now, Governor Youngkin wants Virginians to keep breathing tailpipe pollution too, despite laws on the books mandating the Commonwealth to tackle both of these major drivers of the climate crisis and detriments to public health. By continuing to stand in the way of climate progress, Youngkin is jeopardizing our health and our economy. The transition to a cleaner transportation future is well underway, with most major car manufacturers responding to consumer demand with plans to transition most or all of their fleet to clean cars in the coming years. In the face of a massive economic opportunity, Youngkin is fine with Virginia being left in the dust on the road to nowhere.”

About us:
The Virginia League of Conservation Voters serves as the political voice of the state’s conservation community, working to make sure Virginia’s elected officials recognize that our natural heritage is an environmental and economic treasure for all. Virginia LCV works with conservation leaders across Virginia and strives for a conservation majority in state government. We secure good public policies on the state level and hold public officials accountable for their positions on environmental issues. For more information, visit www.valcv.org.
